SR&ED Refund Solutions

Best SR&ED Consultants

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program

Government Program To Provide Refunds & Tax Credits

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program provides tax credits and refunds to eligible companies, which can help offset the costs of conducting R&D, stimulate innovation, and ultimately enhance the competitiveness of Canadian businesses.

These tax incentives can be as high as 73% of eligible expenditures and can be used to reduce a company’s tax liability or provide cash refunds.

To ease the burden on our clients, we offer a No Win, No Fee arrangement. This approach is mutually beneficial, as it gives our clients peace of mind knowing that we will work diligently to win their claim in order to earn our consulting fee. Furthermore, this arrangement motivates us to stay focused and committed to helping our clients succeed in their SR&ED applications.


SR&ED Consulting

When your company needs comprehensive SR&ED Services.

Our SR&ED experts are passionate about innovation and are dedicated to helping businesses like yours thrive by leveraging government incentives to fund research and development efforts. We take pride in our in-depth knowledge of the SR&ED program, ensuring that you receive the maximum eligible tax credits and incentives for your qualifying projects.

Our SR&ED Consulting service includes the following key elements:

  1. Eligibility Assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough evaluation of your company’s projects and activities to determine their eligibility for SR&ED tax credits. Our experts will work closely with your team to identify the qualifying R&D activities and expenditures, ensuring no eligible claim goes unnoticed.

  2. Project Documentation Support: Proper documentation is critical for a successful SR&ED claim. Our consultants will guide you in maintaining comprehensive records and project documentation, including technical narratives, project plans, lab notes, and financial records, all aligned with the SR&ED program’s requirements.

  3. Claim Preparation and Submission: Our team handles all aspects of preparing and submitting your SR&ED claim to the relevant government authorities. We ensure that all the necessary documentation is accurately compiled and presented, reducing the likelihood of delays or audits.

  4. Risk Mitigation and Compliance: With extensive experience in dealing with SR&ED claims, we understand the potential risks associated with the process. Our consultants proactively identify and address potential issues, ensuring that your claim complies with the program’s regulations, minimizing the risk of audits or challenges.

  5. Technical Consultation: Our SR&ED experts collaborate closely with your technical team to gain a deep understanding of your R&D projects. This collaboration helps us accurately articulate the technical aspects of your work in the claim, ensuring a comprehensive and compelling case for eligibility.

  6. Audit Support: In the unlikely event of an audit, we stand by your side, providing full support throughout the process. Our consultants will help you prepare for the audit, gather the necessary evidence, and effectively respond to any queries raised by the authorities.

  7. Continuous Updates and Education: The SR&ED program is subject to periodic changes, and staying informed is crucial. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest program guidelines and policy updates, keeping you informed about any changes that may impact your future claims.


When your company needs SR&ED and Accounting Services under one roof.

The benefits of one firm providing both the SR&ED and accounting services are exceptional.

  1. Time and Cost Efficiency: By having both SR&ED and accounting services available under one roof, you save valuable time and resources. No need to engage multiple firms or coordinate between different teams. We streamline the process for you, ensuring seamless integration between SR&ED claims and financial data.

  2. Expertise and Experience: Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of SR&ED regulations and accounting practices. Benefit from their expertise, as they leverage their experience to provide tailored solutions that align with your business objectives.

  3. Maximized Tax Savings: With our combined SR&ED and accounting services, we identify opportunities to optimize your tax savings further. We take a holistic approach, considering both SR&ED tax credits and general tax deductions, helping you retain more of your hard-earned money.

  4. Comprehensive Financial Insights: Gain a complete understanding of your business’s financial health through our detailed financial reporting and analysis. Make data-driven decisions that drive growth, profitability, and long-term sustainability.

  5. Peace of Mind: Navigating the complexities of SR&ED and taxation can be overwhelming. We take the burden off your shoulders, ensuring compliance and accuracy, so you can focus on what you do best – running and growing your business.

  6. Customized Solutions: We recognize that every business is unique, and our services are tailored to address your specific needs. Whether you are a startup seeking SR&ED support or an established company needing accounting assistance, we have the right solutions for you.

  7. Long-Term Partnership: Building lasting relationships with our clients is at the core of our philosophy. We are dedicated to being your trusted partner, supporting you not only for your current needs but also as your business evolves.

Why Us

How we do it

From Technical to Financial


Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in SR&ED and accounting. We stay updated with the latest regulations and industry trends to provide you with the best possible service.

Results-Oriented Solutions

Strategic insights

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in SR&ED and accounting. We stay updated with the latest regulations and industry trends to provide you with the best possible service.
From Art to Science

Personalized Solutions

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients. We take the time to understand your unique business goals and challenges, tailoring our services to meet your specific requirements.
Sensitive Information Handling

Trust and Confidentiality

We understand the sensitivity of the information we handle, and we prioritize the confidentiality and security of your data. You can trust us to handle your SR&ED claim with the utmost professionalism and discretion.

About Us

Who we are

We are a team of experts that includes Chartered Accountants, Phd's and Technology experts.

Our mission is to provide exceptional SR&ED consulting services that empower businesses to innovate, grow, and thrive through government incentives and tax benefits.

At SR&ED Refund Solutions, we recognize that each business’s journey is unique. That’s why we begin by immersing ourselves in understanding your company’s operations and R&D activities. Our seasoned Chartered Accountants work closely with you to ensure accurate and compliant claim preparation, leveraging their financial acumen and in-depth knowledge of tax regulations. With a focus on maximizing your eligible R&D activities, we lay the groundwork for your SR&ED success.

Presenting your R&D projects effectively is essential to secure the funding you deserve. That’s where our Ph.D. holders (IT specialist in case of IT project) step in, bridging the gap between technical complexity and persuasive claim narratives. With their keen eye for detail and a profound understanding of your research endeavors, they transform your ideas into compelling stories that captivate SR&ED adjudicators. Their ability to articulate the impact and innovation of your projects is unparalleled.

Facing an SR&ED audit can be a daunting prospect. However, with our seasoned team by your side, you can face it with confidence. Our professionals have a proven track record of guiding clients through audits successfully. They meticulously prepare all necessary documentation, address technical inquiries, and provide unwavering support throughout the audit process. You can trust us to navigate the intricacies of SR&ED regulations, mitigating risks and optimizing results.

Whether you are a technology-driven startup, a research-driven organization, or an established industry leader, SR&ED Refund Solutions is here to be your partner in SR&ED success. Our collective expertise, passion for innovation, and commitment to excellence set us apart. Let’s work together to optimize your SR&ED claims and fuel your business growth.


Our clients

We take immense pride in helping Small and Medium-sized companies achieve their innovation goals through our specialized Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) consulting services. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by SMEs, we are dedicated to maximizing their potential for growth and success.

We are dedicated to empowering Small and Medium Companies to drive innovation, compete globally, and fuel economic growth. Let our team of experts help you unlock the potential of SR&ED tax incentives and take your business to new heights. 

                                                                                        Contact us today to get started on your path to innovation success!